
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Not So Shiny Not So Happy People: "The Terror of an Empty House" Chapter Reading
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
I'm excited to announce that my new book, Not So Shiny Not So Happy People: How Bill Gothard, Church, and Family Taught Me Christianity Doesn't Work is now available as of today!!
The book is available as a paperback, Kindle EBook, and Audible Virtual Voice versions now.
In this special episode, I'm reading the Preface chapter to the book, which is called "The Terror of an Empty House." I hope that not only do you enjoy this chapter, but that it prompts you to go out and buy the book.
After you've read it, please leave a review on Amazon, which greatly helps with the book's rankings--and share the book with anyone who you think will resonate with its message.
Here's the link on Amazon to Not So Shiny Not So Happy People.
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Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Creating Peace: Enduring Suffering Without God (with Dean Krosecz)
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
For those of us who came out of fundamentalist Christianity, what happens when things go badly wrong in our lives? Do you have the temptation to pray, read the Bible, seek out a wise Christian counselor to discover answers for why this is happening to you?
Within evangelicalism, the problem of suffering is a huge issue. There always has to be "an answer" as to why God allows--or even causes--bad things to happen to us. There must be a reason!
My good friend Dean Krosecz and I break down this very topic after Dean shares about the traumatic experiences he's gone through in the last few years. Where was "God" in all of it? And can you create peace in the midst of suffering, alone without a supposedly benevolent being to lean on for support?
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Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
A Well-Trained Wife: My Escape from Christian Patriarchy (with Tia Levings)
Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
A few months ago I caught up with author Tia Levings to discuss her new book, A Well-Trained Wife: My Escape from Christian Patriarchy. Tia is perhaps best known for her viral TikTok video, "Fundy Baby Voice"--and she knows what she's talking about.
A product of the Bill Gothard "cult without walls," Tia was raised in the "modesty culture" and taught what it meant to be a "well-trained wife"--the so-called tradwife tradition so familiar to the Christian patriarchy and Quiverfull cultures.
But after experiencing severe cognitive dissonance when comparing how she was raised versus how she was expected to raise her own children, Tia began to question--and ultimately escaped--this cult-like environment.
Tia's Book Now Available on Amazon!
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Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Months ago I had a great conversation with author and adrenaline junkie, Ryan George. Following on in the trend of interviewing more progressive Christians--after chatting with Keith Giles recently--this seemed like a great time to drop this episode.
Although he's been able to reclaim a version of Christianity for himself, Ryan and I found that we have a lot in common when comparing our upbringings within Christianity. Ryan grew up in an IFB (Independent Fundamental Baptist) tradition with a dad who was a pastor, and was also involved in the Bill Gothard IBLP cult.
After suffering spiritual abuse and other forms of religious trauma, and walking away from the faith and church for years, how did Ryan recover his faith? Find out more in this great conversation!
Check out Ryan's site for more information on his book and his life!
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Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Leaning Into the Deconstruction Thing (with Keith Giles)
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
This week's conversation features author, podcaster, and "freelance theologian" Keith Giles, who--although definitely no evangelical Christian--has moved past even being a progressive Christian.
What does that make him? I don't know exactly, but it does make for a fascinating conversation with someone who has deconstructed his former fundamentalist beliefs. Keith is also a scholar, which makes the conversation about his new book The Quantum Sayings of Jesus a fascinating one.
Which Jesus? Which gospel? And how does the Gospel of Thomas fit into that whole discussion? As a very progressive Christian, Keith has some great insights on the state of evangelicalism today, Christian nationalism and more.
Check out Keith's blog on Patheos for more information!
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Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Surviving Roy Masters' "Foundation of Human Understanding" Cult (with Marissa Hackett)
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
This week's episode features a fascinating conversation with Marissa Hackett, who grew up in a right-wing cult started by controversial radio host, Roy Masters. Originally starting out in the early 1960s, Masters spread his message nationwide through his radio show, tapes, and book sales.
Based originally out of Los Angeles, Masters bought a ranch near Grants Pass, Oregon, in 1979--and urged his followers to move there. Along with connections to survivalists, conspiracy theories, and far-right political ideas, Masters acted as a form of messianic cult leader.
He performed exorcisms, taught that women are subordinate to men, and that all problems in a family are the fault of the mother. Thus, Marissa grew up in a controlling environment combined with a strong message behind it...and somehow, she survived and is doing well today.
Connect with Marissa on her "Breaking the Cycle" Substack.
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Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
In this conversation with journalist and author Sarah McCammon, we discuss her book that just came out in March, called The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church.
Not only does Sarah do a masterful job of explaining why so many "exvangelicals" have left the white evangelical church behind, she shares her own story of growing up evangelical, deconstructing, and ultimately walking away from her childhood faith.
Along the way, Sarah's work blends diligent research with authentic examples of why people like her, and so many others, have simply had enough--for whatever reason--and couldn't deal with the cognitive dissonance, the "tension points" in their belief system, or whatever it was that led them to make the difficult decision to abandon their cherished belief system.
Find Sarah's book here on Amazon!
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Wednesday May 22, 2024
Wednesday May 22, 2024
In this special bonus episode, I caught up with returning guest, Dr Sheri Pallas, as we discussed her brand-new book that just dropped on the 2nd of May, 2024. It's titled We Have Ruined God: My Journey Out of Religion and Into Unconditional Love, and from the conversation we had, it sounds like a fascinating and intriguing book.
Why should people contemplate leaving religion, and their harmful dogmas and teachings, behind? Sheri takes a look at this issue and concludes that it is largely humanity that has "ruined God," in effect. But which God, exactly? The God of the Bible, or the deity (or deities) represented by any number of other religious belief systems?
Beyond that, we talk about what "unconditional love" actually looks like, in practice, and why that is a far superior life philosophy than toxic religious doctrines.
Buy Sheri's book on Amazon at this link--and if you do buy it, please leave a review!
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Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
I truly hope that you enjoy this great collaborative episode I recently did with Anna and Kari Jo, hosts of the fantastic Heretical Hippies podcast!
We covered a lot of ground about their backstory, deconstruction of their former faith, and what they are doing--and believing--currently. I believe this will be a helpful discussion for all those who have questioned their inherited beliefs and are wondering what lies ahead.
Part 2, their interview of me, is available on their platform--here's the link.
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Wednesday May 08, 2024
Unmasking Project 2025: A Threat to American Democracy (with Jenny Cohn)
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Once again I'm joined by investigative journalist Jenny Cohn, who does a lot of writing for the Bucks County Beacon. Jenny has been on the show before and in this instance, I reached out to her because she's done a lot of work exposing and unmasking the agenda behind Project 2025.
What if Donald Trump were to win the presidential election in November? Aside from casting an authoritarian vision for his administration going forward, perhaps the biggest concern is that this time, he and the GOP have learned from the mistakes they made the last time.
This time around, Trump has an army of willing acolytes and sycophants who are already working hard to help him achieve his agenda from Day 1 in office. To that end, the Heritage Foundation has created Project 2025--and this is something that every American voter needs to educate themselves about.
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